Our mission

falcon Facts
Small Classes
Folsom Prep has a 16:1 average student to teacher ratio
80 %
Percentage of students who meet or exceed grade level math expectations compared to 65% at other schools.
In just one year, students made over 1.5 years growth in reading.
More Instruction
Students receive twice as many instructional minutes at Folsom Prep than at other schools.


The best decision I have made for my child's education was switching her to Folsom Prep. My daughter went from not wanting to go to school, to now loves going, and is thriving! We are so thankful for the kind and amazing staff. I am so thankful we found this school.
- Hailey K.

Amazing school, staff and community. The Kindergarten program is top notch and includes a variety of subjects/activities to keep the children engaged. Folsom Prep's summer camp is also very well run with tons of exciting activities. We love Folsom Prep!
- Laleh S.

My time at this school, from kindergarten to fifth grade, has let me explore many opportunities and ultimately shaped my interest in the sciences. Hence, I am now a freshman at Johns Hopkins University majoring in neuroscience with a goal of becoming a doctor.
- Manvi K.

I had back to school night at our new school. I was blown away at how advanced Royce’s work was compared to the other kids. He is top in the class in all areas. This is all largely due to his years at Folsom Prep. Thank you!
- Nicole P.

I love coming to work each and every day, but what I love most is the respect, care, and happiness my students and coworkers bring me each day. I highly recommend everyone to spend one day at Folsom Prep and experience the wonderful environment it has to offer.
- Ms. Chohan

The teachers and staff truly care about the children. I feel comfortable reaching out to all of her teachers, the principal, everyone. The atmosphere is inclusive, enthusiastic, energetic, and caring.
- Paisley B.

We absolutely love Folsom Preparatory School. The small classrooms ensure our child gets personalized attention and we have seen both our children excel because of it. Along with the small classroom sizes, the school's focus on student outcomes is exceptional.
- Anonymous